Ichimoku Complete Trading System

Ichimoku Complete Trading System
Ichimoku Complete Trading System



PlotOHLC(0,Close,Close,Close,"ChikouSpan", colorYellow, styleThick,Null,Null,-25);

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%), Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
SetBarFillColor( IIf( C > O AND C > Ref(C,-1), colorBlack,
     IIf( C < O AND C > Ref(C,-1), colorBrightGreen, 
     IIf( C > O AND C < Ref(C,-1), colorBlack,
     IIf( C < O AND C < Ref(C,-1), colorRed, 
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C > Ref(C, -2) AND C > O, colorBlack,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C > Ref(C, -2) AND C < O, colorBrightGreen,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C < Ref(C, -2) AND C > O, colorBlack,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C < Ref(C, -2) AND C < O, colorRed,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C > Ref(C, -3) AND C > O, colorBlack,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C > Ref(C, -3) AND C < O, colorBrightGreen,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C < Ref(C, -3) AND C > O, colorBlack,
     IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C < Ref(C, -3) AND C < O, colorRed,
     Null ))))))))))))
Plot( C, "Close", IIf( C > Ref(C,-1), colorBrightGreen, IIf( C < Ref(C,-1), colorRed, 
    IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C > Ref(C, -2), colorBrightGreen, IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C < Ref(C, -2), colorRed,
    IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C > Ref(C, -3), colorBrightGreen, 
    IIf( C == Ref(C,-1) AND C == Ref(C, -2) AND C < Ref(C, -3), colorRed, Null )))))), styleCandle );


Plot(TS,"TenkanSen",colorRed , styleThick);

Plot(KJ,"KijunSen",colorBlue , styleThick);

SenkouSpanA =Ref((TS+KJ)/2,-26); 
SenkouSpanB =Ref((HHV(High,52)+LLV(Low,52))/2,-26); 
PlotOHLC(0,SpanA,SpanB,SpanB,"Cloud",IIf(SpanA>SpanB,ParamColor("Color Up",colorAqua),ParamColor("Color Down",colorPink)),styleCloud+styleNoTitle+styleNoLabel,Null,Null,26);

dk_date = (DateNum() > 10000 * (2017 - 1900) + 100 * 9 + 13);
// Strong //
Buy_s1 = Cross(TS,KJ) AND TS > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND TS > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB AND C > Ref(C,-25); 
Sell_s1 = Cross(KJ,TS) AND TS < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND TS < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB AND C < Ref(C,-25); 
Buy_s2 = Cross(C,KJ) AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanB AND C > SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB AND C > Ref(C,-25);  
Sell_s2 = Cross(KJ,C) AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanB AND C < SenkouSpanA AND C < SenkouSpanB AND C < Ref(C,-25);  
Buy_s3 = Cross(C,Ref(H,-25)) AND C > SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB;            
Sell_s3 = Cross(Ref(H,-25),C) AND C < SenkouSpanA AND C < SenkouSpanB;            
Buy_s4 = C > SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB;
// Medium //
Buy_m1 = Cross(TS,KJ) AND IIf(SenkouSpanA > SenkouSpanB, (TS < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND TS > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB),  
            (TS > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND TS < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB));
Sell_m1 = Cross(KJ,TS) AND IIf(SenkouSpanA > SenkouSpanB, (TS < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND TS > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB), 
            (TS > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND TS < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB));
Buy_m2 = Cross(C,KJ) AND IIf(SenkouSpanA > SenkouSpanB, (C < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB),  
            (C > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND C < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB));
Sell_m2 = Cross(KJ,C) AND IIf(SenkouSpanA > SenkouSpanB, (C < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB),  
            (C > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND C < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB));
// Weak //
Buy_w1 = Cross(TS,KJ) AND TS < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND TS < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB       
      AND IIf(C < Ref(C,-25), (TS > Ref(C,-25) AND KJ > Ref(C,-25)), (TS < Ref(C,-25) AND KJ < Ref(C,-25)));
Sell_w1 = Cross(KJ,TS) AND TS > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND TS > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB       
      AND IIf(C < Ref(C,-25), (TS > Ref(C,-25) AND KJ > Ref(C,-25)), (TS < Ref(C,-25) AND KJ < Ref(C,-25)));
Buy_w2 = Cross(C,KJ) AND C < SenkouSpanA AND KJ < SenkouSpanA AND C < SenkouSpanB AND KJ < SenkouSpanB;        
Sell_w2 = Cross(KJ,C) AND C > SenkouSpanA AND KJ > SenkouSpanA AND C > SenkouSpanB AND KJ > SenkouSpanB;       

Filter=C>1 AND V>1000; 

AddColumn(Buy_s1, "TS_KJ", 1.0, colorBlue);
AddColumn(Buy_s2, "C_KJ", 1.0, colorBlue);
AddColumn(Buy_s3, "Chikou", 1.0, colorBlue);
AddColumn((Buy_s1 + Buy_s2 + Buy_s3 ), "TT_Buy", 1.0, colorBlue);

AddColumn(V, " Volume ", 1.0, IIf(V>=2*MA(V,10), colorViolet, IIf(V> MA(V,10) AND V<2*MA(V,10), colorBrightGreen, colorRed)));

AddColumn(MA(V,10), "  MA(V,10)  ", 1.0, colorBlack);
AddColumn(MA(V,20), "  MA(V,20)  ", 1.0, colorBlack);
AddColumn(C, " Price ", 1.0, IIf(C>Ref(H,-25), colorBrightGreen, colorRed));

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