Next Candle Prediction With Candlestick Demo |
// _SECTION_BEGIN("Candle Stick Demo"); BI = BarIndex(); barvisible = Status("barvisible"); FirstBarIndx= LastValue( Lowest(ValueWhen(BarVisible,BI))); LastBarIndx = LastValue( Highest(ValueWhen(BarVisible,BI))); FirstBarVis = FirstBarIndx == BI; LastBarVis = LastBarIndx == BI; Width=Param("Bar Width",5,1,30,1); EndCandle = SelectedValue(BarIndex())+int(Width/2)+1; StartCandle = Endcandle-Width; CandleData = Flip(StartCandle == BI,EndCandle == BI); MAsk2 = IIf(BI>=StartCandle,1,Null); MAsk1 = IIf(CandleData OR LastBarVis, 1, Null); Oc = LastValue(ValueWhen(StartCandle == BI, O)); Hc = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , HHV(H,Width))); Lc = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , LLV(L,Width))); CC = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , C)); O = IIf( LastBarVis, Oc, O); H = IIf( LastBarVis, HC, H); L = IIf( LastBarVis, LC, L); C = IIf( LastBarVis, CC, C); if( Param("Style: Candle/Bar",0,0,1,1) == 0 ) BarStyle = 64; else BarStyle = 128; Plot(C,"",1,BarStyle |styleNoLabel|styleThick); Plot(Mask2*Oc,"",7,styleStaircase); Plot(Mask2*CC,"",2,styleStaircase); Plot(Mask2*HC,"",8,styleStaircase); Plot(Mask2*LC,"",4,styleStaircase); Co1 = Param("BackGroundColor",47,0,64,1); Plot(Mask1*LC,"",Co1,styleArea); Co2 = Param("CandleAreaColor",39,0,64,1); Plot(Mask1*HC,"",Co2,styleArea); Title="\nCandlestick Demo\n"+ "Candle Date: "+Date()+"\n"+ "Candle Width: "+NumToStr(Width,1.0)+" bars\n"; GraphXSpace = 5; _SECTION_END();
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