Bullish Bearish Pinbar Detector

How to use Bullish Bearish Pinbar Detector?

Bullish Bearish Pinbar Detector is one of the highly accurate Amibroker afl which helps you to identify candlestick based setup like pinbar. Pinbar is one of the most accurate trading setup which works almost all the time but it is difficult to find in running market. This afl will help you to identify the correct pinbar setup in all timeframe.

Bullish Bearish Pinbar Detector
Bullish Bearish Pinbar Detector



GraphXSpace = 15;


SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("bkcolor",ColorRGB(0,0, 0)));



SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle UP Color", colorGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey)));

Plot(C,"\nPrice",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Wick UP Color", colorDarkGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Wick Down Color", colorDarkRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0);

dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
Title = EncodeColor(55)+  Title = Name() + "     " + EncodeColor(32) + Date() +
"      " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}}  " +
 EncodeColor(55)+ "     Open = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(O,dec) + 
 EncodeColor(55)+ "     High = "+ EncodeColor(5) + WriteVal(H,dec) +
 EncodeColor(55)+ "      Low = "+ EncodeColor(32)+ WriteVal(L,dec) + 
 EncodeColor(55)+ "    Close = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
 EncodeColor(55)+ "    Volume = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(V,1);

MaxNoseBodySize = 0.33; // Max. Body / Candle length ratio of the Nose Bar
NoseBodyPosition = 0.4; // Body position in Nose Bar (e.g. top/bottom 40%)
LeftEyeOppositeDirection = True; // true = Direction of Left Eye Bar should be opposite to pattern (bearish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseSameDirection = False; // true = Direction of Nose Bar should be the same as of pattern (bullish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody = False; // true = Nose Body should be contained inside Left Eye Body
LeftEyeMinBodySize = 0.1; // Min. Body / Candle length ratio of the Left Eye Bar
NoseProtruding = 0.5; // Minmum protrusion of Nose Bar compared to Nose Bar length
NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody = 1; // Maximum relative size of the Nose Bar Body to Left Eye Bar Body
NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength = 0; // Minimum relative size of the Nose Bar Length to Left Eye Bar Length
LeftEyeDepth = 0.2; // Minimum relative depth of the Left Eye to its length; depth is difference with Nose's back

up=down =0;
point = 0.1;


      NoseLength = High[i] - Low[i];
      if (NoseLength == 0) NoseLength = Point;
      LeftEyeLength = High[i - 1] - Low[i - 1];
      if (LeftEyeLength == 0) LeftEyeLength = Point;
      NoseBody = abs(Open[i] - Close[i]);
      if (NoseBody == 0) NoseBody = point;
      LeftEyeBody = abs(Open[i - 1] - Close[i - 1]);
      if (LeftEyeBody == 0) LeftEyeBody = point;

      // Bearish Pinbar
      if (High[i] - High[i - 1] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
         if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
            if (1 - (High[i] - Max(Open[i], Close[i])) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in bottom part of the bar
               if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] > Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bullish if required
                  if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] < Open[i])) // Nose bearish if required
                     if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength  >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
                        if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
                           if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
                              if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
                                 if (Low[i] - Low[i - 1] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth)  // Left Eye low is low enough
                                    if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
                                       Down[i] = High[i] + 5 * Point + NoseLength / 5;
      // Bullish Pinbar
      if (Low[i - 1] - Low[i] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
         if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
            if (1 - (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) - Low[i]) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in top part of the bar
               if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] < Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bearish if required
                  if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] > Open[i])) // Nose bullish if required
                     if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
                        if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
                           if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
                              if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
                                 if (High[i - 1] - High[i] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye high is high enough
                                    if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
                                       Up[i] = Low[i] - 5 * Point - NoseLength / 5;

for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
if(blpin[i] ) PlotText( "bull.pin " , i, L[ i ]-2.5, colorLime );
if(brpin[i] ) PlotText( " bear pin" , i, H[ i ]+2.5, colorOrange );
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*brpin,4,0,H ,5);
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*blpin,5,0,L ,-5);

Filter=brpin OR blpin;
AddColumn(brpin,"Bearish Pin",1.2);
AddColumn(blpin,"Bullish Pin",1.2);


OR Download the afl file here

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